
Regularly at the Hamburg bar HADLEY’S on Monday evenings

Abendsalon im Zwischenraum

Topic: Touch – what is still holding us together?

Pandemics, wars, climate change, migration, inflation… the big buzzwords of the current hour are not hopeful terms. Nevertheless, we need strength and confidence to tackle the problems and to emerge stronger and wiser from this “turning point in time(?)”.
What role do interpersonal relationships play in this, but also relationships with our fellow animals and nature? What meaning does the concept of touch have for us and in which new contexts can we consciously think about it?

The salons in the first half of 2023 will deal, among other things, with dating apps and their influence on our bodily relationships, with educational work as relational work, with love for androids and we will talk about our norms of relationships and commitment, among other things also in peace policy contexts. We look at conflict potentials in the process of the current diversity and gender debate and ask ourselves what space we give to the end of our physical being, to death.

26.05. – 04.06.2023

Supergau Festival

SUPERGAU is an imaginary landscape, a culturally virgin landscape. Supergau needs no buildings, no nostalgia, no tradition. SUPERGAU is a landscape where art is something new, something that still has to find a place, a landscape where anyone can be a viewer and no-one is an expert. SUPERGAU is temporary. Work on and in it will take two years, culminating in a ten-day festival.

SUPERGAU is based on a government initiative. The festival is an important outcome of a cultural developing process for the whole region of Salzburg and shows a special commitment to contemporary art and production.

19.10. – 22.10.2023

Jazz & The City

“The essence of improvisation is confidence” (Tina Heine).

Curiosity, spontaneity and an open heart for unexpected encounters with music, good people and good places are the ingredients for a festival that is second to none.

On these 4 days in autumn, Salzburg’s old town becomes a free space for artists from all over the world and different disciplines. Evening concerts, nightly projections, walks into the unknown and blind dates between audience and artists are just a few of the features of this festival, which now attracts around 20,000 visitors to the city on the Salzach.