Gastronomin, Intendantin, Dozentin, Netzwerkerin: Sie bereichert die kulturelle Szene Hamburgs kontinuierlich mit klugen Ideen und mutigen Projekten, die inzwischen jeder kennt.
Private | Hamburg has been my home since 1994, where I opened the HADLEY’S Bar in 1996 in the Grindelviertel at the age of 23. From the beginning, I wanted to create a space where you could spend a good time with good people. Until today I am a passionate hostess – whether for a small circle of guests in my bar or for 20,000 festival visitors. The fact that I became a mother at the age of 24 seems to be a challenge from the outside, but in fact my two daughters – now grown up – are always a source of strength and inspiration for me.
Vision | My conceptual work thrives on my enthusiasm for art and culture and my interest in new, unusual formats in the field of tension between improvisation and confidence. I bring like-minded and dissident people together and awaken the desire to develop something new to transform existing things. By thinking through and running through processes I would like to create spaces for special encounters and give our society meaningful impulses for constructive coexistence.
Lectureship |Since years I am a lecturer in Festival Management and Audience Development at the Institute for Culture and Media Management at the Hochschule für Musik und Theater in Hamburg and at the Universität Mozarteum Salzburg. Here I am in constant contact with a generation that continues to give me new impulses for my way of working. I like to share my experiences and expertise in my seminars, lectures and discussions.
Keynotes, Moderations and Panel Discussions | A Selection
Jazz & Politics Paneldiscussion | Jazzinstitut Darmstadt
Is art responsible for the mistakes of it’s creator? Paneldiscussion | Filmfest Hamburg
“Connecting a city´s identity with jazz” – Audience Mobility and Cultural Tourism in Europe, Conception and realisation of the conference | Organizer: European Jazz Network| Kunsthaus NEXUS, Saalfelden, Österreich
„Here to stay“ Keynote | Work Vision Bar Camp | Techno-Z, Salzburg
„ Creativity, improvisation and complicity “ Keynote | Ideenmeisterschaft #MitteBremen, a project on the future of Bremen’s city centre initiated by the City of Bremen and investor Kurt Zech
„Think Different- how creativity can transform the public sector“ Panel Discussion | ZEIT-Stiftung as part of Creative Bureaucracy Festivals, Berlin, Organizer: Der Tagesspiegel
„The essence of improvisation is confidence“ lecture | Universität Salzburg in cooperation with Universität Mozarteum Salzburg, Focus on science and art
„Elbphilharmonie – Innenansichten aus dem Leuchtturm“ A talk with Christoph Lieben Seuter, general director Elbphilharmonie | kulturklubHH, Hamburg
„Die Stadt als Marke – Events: Auf den Inhalt kommt es an“ Panel Discussion | Stiftung Lebendige Stadt, Städtekongress, Düsseldorf
„Zur Sache Hamburg: Die Elbphilharmonie als Wille und Vorstellung“ Panel Discussion | DIE ZEIT, Bucerius Kunstforum, Hamburg
„Connecting A City’s Identity with Jazz“ TEDxLugano | Lugano
„Negotiation Theorie and Practise“ lecture | Kühne School of Logistics Hamburg
„Dialogue between culture and economy“ Panel Diskussion | Handelskammer, Hamburg
„Focus on European Jazz“ lecture | Jazz Connect Conference, New York
„The gender question in culture“ lecture | F.I.M. Frauen im Management, Handelskammer Hamburg
„Financing of festivals“ lecture | Culture Meets Economy, EURAC, Bozen
„Shaping the sound of the city“ (Culture, tourism and identity) lecture | Kulturinvest Kongress, Berlin
Committees, juries and others | A Selection
Member of the Jury, NASOM music newcomer programme, MICA Wien
Member of the jury for the one-year scholarship Musik für das Land Salzburg, Department of Culture
Expert Board on Culture and Tourism | Kultur Entwicklungsplan Land Salzburg KEP
Member of the Jury, Polish Showcase, Jazzahead Bremen
Member of the Jury, NASOM music newcomer programme, MICA Wien
Member of the Jury, Danish Music Award, Kopenhagen
2014, 2015
Member oft he Jury, Promotion of jazz series, Behörde für Kultur und Medien Hamburg
Mentor, Impact Circle for social innovations, BMW Stiftung
Member, Kultur- und Wirtschaftsausschuss, Handelskammer Hamburg
Board, Hamburger Tourismusverband e.V.
seit 2012
Advisory board, Hamburger Volksbank
seit 2011
Member, European Jazz Network
Member of the Jury, Hans Musikpreis, Interessensverband Hamburg Musik, Hamburg
Training, Wagnis Wachstum Wettbewerb, Common Purpose e.V.Hamburg, Leadership Programm
Training, Konfrontation Zukunft, Common Purpose e.V. Hamburg, Leadership Programm
Training, Verantwortung erkennen, Common Purpose e.V. Hamburg, Leadership Programm
2008, 2009
Speaker and Mentor, „Your Turn“, Project for socially committed young people, Common Purpose, Hamburg