Team Zeitgenossen

© Bernhard Müller


Tina Heine – Atelier für Zeitgenossen
Bogenstraße 5
20144 Hamburg

Tina Heine – Atelier für Zeitgenossen
Salzburger Kunstverein / Künstlerhaus
Hellbrunner Strasse 3
5020 Salzburg

We are all ZEITGENOSSEN – some of us are the companions in our everyday lives – on the way to the bakery, in the bars and cafés, on the motorway to the south or in the waiting room of the district office. All the others are scattered all over the world: companions of the 21st century. We are connected to them via social media channels, in our globalised working world or through networked trade logics.
We belong together and yet we are also divided.
The Atelier für ZEITGENOSSEN brings together all those who care about being connected to the world, who recognise the potential of art and culture for communal action spaces and who are interested in learning together.
Our small team of permanent and freelance staff is also an open platform for all those who want to come into exchange with us. Our work is conceptual, thoughtful, interdisciplinary and energetic with heart and hand.


Tina Heine




Anna Wegner




Fabian Lang




Heike Posch (freie Mitarbeiterin)




Katrin Gstöttinger